This was a busy week in the garden, and I have my first slight sunburn of the season on my face to prove it. We finished the front flagstone pathways, after only three work sessions (with several weather delays in between). The finished pathways give the entire garden a better "finished" look, which is exactly what I was hoping for.
This morning, we worked on a shorter back path that leads to the back corner of our property and finished that as well. The flagstone steps not only look great, but greatly improve the safety of this previously treacherous steep path.
Just after we finished up this path, a whole crew of youth from our church arrived with 2 cubic yards of compost and a power washer. We had signed up to have them deliver and spread the compost for us and power wash the pergola deck as part of their camp fundraiser. We have participated in this fundraiser in past years and I am always pleasantly surprised with the teens' enthusiasm and willingness to follow this picky gardener's instructions. This year, I had them top off several veggie garden beds that had settled, and with the leftover compost, edge and fill the new flagstone pathways. The finished project looks so fresh and great!
The dwarf peach tree nearly glows with blossoms this time of year. It is so pleasant to look at! The first tulips are opening. (We bought several grab bags of last year's Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival discards, so the color mix is a surprise.) The first bloomers are a bright clear red.
Our cute little garden helper was freely picking blossoms this week, including by the handful off the peach tree! (This may be one drawback of having a barely-four-foot-tall dwarf peach tree.) She beheaded tulips and daffodils left and right, pulled hyacinths up so hard she got the bulb too, and collected dandelions by the armful (that part is ok by me!). We had to have a few discussions about not picking all of mom's flowers, and to leave them growing in the garden. The message hasn't quite sunken in, as this morning she picked several daffodils and then, flinging them into a hole and covering them with a shovel full of dirt, informed me they were her buried treasure! Arrgghh!
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