A Gardener's Ambition: The Edible Garden
4:45:00 PM

In the sketch from my garden journal, the green is lawn pathways/play areas; blue rectangles are raised vegetable beds; red dots are fruit trees, shrubs and vines; uncolored areas are my ornamental garden; the lines and numbers are our irrigation plan (and I simply didn't want to make a fresh sketch :))
-to feed my family a main course or two-three side dishes a day from the garden
-select crops so that something is always ready to harvest
-grow a wide diversity of crops, so that one crop failure does not significantly damage my overall yield
-harvest from my garden as close to year-round as possible
-collect seeds from my own plants when possible to perpetuate my own seed supply, plus enough to share
-grow the majority of my own herbs for flavoring and health
-to teach my children where their food comes from and help them to enjoy the harvest
-to eat delicious homegrown food!!
What are your goals for your edible garden? Whether great or small, setting a goal will always help you have a direction to get started in.