June 6, 2016: This is Getting Good!
9:12:00 AMEven though the garden still doesn't match my complete vision for it, I am starting to see the progress! Many portions of the garden are finally filling in lush and beautiful. Several other parts have young plants that will fill in within another season or two. For the past few weeks, the floral show has been ramping up and is just getting spectacular!
The first peony blooms (ever in this garden) are just opening. I am so glad the deer did not nip off all the buds this year! (Upper left, lower right). Upper right is lavender, one of the most successful plants in my garden, fragrant and wonderful. Lower left is ice plant (blooms closed) with lamb's ear behind. My younger children love picking leaves off the lamb's ear for all sorts of imaginary play.
Left column, top to bottom: yarrow (summer berries mix), rockcress, dropmore anchusa (a 3.5 foot tall glowing beauty). Middle column, top to bottom: poppy, iceplant. Right column, top to bottom: perennial snapdragon, Jupiter's beard, a globe mallow that volunteered in the garden and I am happily encouraging it to spread.
The spectacular Silver Spring Blooming Butterfly Bush (buddleia alternifolia) which is huge and lights up the whole garden for June. With dusty miller (upper left), snapdragon (upper right), iris (lower left), intertwined maple branch (lower right).
A long view of this spectacular bush.
A Western Mock Orange bush. I wish this was smell-o-vision, because this shrub has the most delectable scent.
This rose bush volunteered by the shed, so we built a support for it to climb up the shed wall. It is filling in nicely this season and has delicate, old fashioned light pink roses covering it. (Pardon the incomplete paint job on the shed.)
Mexican evening primrose. This plant can be vigorous, taking over other plants sometimes. But in this harsh garden environment, I appreciate it's toughness. I have planted it in my parkstrip and in the back corner of the yard that will have a more natural look.
Bearded Iris is another plant that thrives well in this garden. I bought several varieties, but also collected many varieties from neighbors and friends when they divide their clumps.
Two more views of the silver butterfly bush across the garden.
One of many garden visitors we enjoy on a regular basis. (This one pausing just long enough for a photo.)
Peas, lettuce, garlic scapes, and several varieties of greens were harvested in the past few weeks. I love going out to see what is ready to eat each day.
Another plant I absolutely adore is Palmer's Penstemon. It is native to the western US and thrives on neglect. Two areas of my garden seem to suit it especially well and it has spread into large patches. One such patch is under my apricot tree. These photos do not even do justice to these captivating plants. They are 4.5 feet tall, with light pink snapdragon-like blooms.
I will end today with a few longer views of different parts of the garden.