A Gardener's Ambition: The Beautiful Garden

4:22:00 PM

Gardening soothes me. It allures all my senses and I am drawn in by the textures, colors, smells. I garden for pleasure, for beauty, for the love of nature, for sustenance. I appreciate the beauty of all of God's magnificent plant creations, and I intend to grow as many of them as possible! The typical American yard with lawn, shrub, tree has never appealed to me. The view that always draws me in is a thickly planted, texture and color filled grouping of plants with lots of movement in it.

I am a Western US girl, born and raised. I truly appreciate the rugged landscape we are blessed with here in the mountain west, and feel that our western landscapes should be a reflection and complement to the natural landscape around us.

I am now in my fifth summer in my third home I have owned in my adult life. I have the vision in my head of all this property could be, and although I have made progress these past years, there is still much work left.

My beautiful garden goals:

-incorporate a number of native plants along with many species from similar environments around the world for a diverse, healthy, thriving habitat
-create inviting patterns of color and texture to enjoy from indoors and out year-round
-favor plants that will invite wildlife especially hummingbirds, pollinators and beneficial insects, (maybe not deer)
-select plants based on ability to thrive with minimal input from me (water, fertilizer, care)
-create useful lawn areas, emphasizing reasonably sized play areas and durable pathways, using a hardy mix of dwarf fescues (see Low Work and Water Dwarf Fescue Grass Seedand mini clover (see Miniclover)

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