April 2, 2016: Eggs, eggs, and more eggs!

7:35:00 PM

This week, work in the garden slowed to a halt due to more SNOW! The one nice weather day we had this week was packed solid with other obligations, so we took care of the ducks, but the flagstone project did not move forward at all.

The whole family pitches in to take care of the ducks. But my husband and I clean up the duck pen every Saturday and do a full muck out monthly. The ducks take a long duck walk while we do this, and really enjoy coming back to a clean pen. It is funny to watch them tour each clean nesting area and make funny, happy, animated noises to each other.
The gals are now laying 8-18 eggs PER DAY! I have been giving eggs away, and feeding eggs in a variety of ways to the family. The fridge is still overflowing with EGGS! This photo doesn't even reflect the 3 dozen I have in the upstairs fridge.

Despite our lack of work in the garden this week, nature still marches on. I found:
Hansen's Cherry bushes blooming

Hyacinths blooming in the strawberry patch.

The daffodils are in full bloom.

And some apricot blossoms look viable after all the snow and cold. Fingers crossed for a small crop this year...

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